Thursday, October 21, 2010

3 Favorite Chess Blogs

Ben Finegold has been an active chess player for most of his life. Three generations of his family have excelled at chess. Living in Michigan for a time, I was able to play in some tournaments that Finegold participated in. While I was only rated in the 1100's at the time, to watch a Master play was incredible. His blog keeps up on his latest tournament performance, games played, and other higher rated events.

Dennis Monokroussos was the highest rated youth in the Las Vegas area, but one day he stopped cold turkey. Now he is actively pursuing his IM norms and lives in Indiana. His blog covers various national and international tournaments. The games he covers, along with some of the concepts, go over the head of most amateur player. However, the added insight into how upper level players compete is most interesting.

Hikaru Nakamura is the youngest player competing on the level of Super-GM. He is thought to be the top speed player on the internet and is ranked 15th worldwide by FIDE. He recently moved to St. Louis and joined their local chess club. He offers lessons and analysis to members of that club. His blog, while focusing on chess, include the occasional non-chess comment, tweet, or blog post. This makes him seems like any other person and I can related to that, but he'd break me in half over the board.

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