Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Purpose expanded

The purpose of chess is to play a game involving the minds of two opponents and determine a winner using pieces and rules. However, the purpose of this blog is to provide enrichment materials and analysis on chess that is taking place for Hoosiers. Chess from outside the state is good and most the content will revolve around events and players in/from Indiana.

In order to keep this site going, I need material, so please send some in. I can use my games all the time, but that would tend to make things dull and biased. Since the target audience for this blog is Hoosiers, your games are of the highest priority. However, if you happen to have a game that you think will engage in the learning experience of others, please submit it to me.

I encourage everyone to examine games posted on here and comment on them. This is meant to be a learning opportunity for Hoosiers that play chess and feedback is part of the learning process. You may of course just plug games or positions into your computer and have a program pick it apart. However, the hope is that you will play through these examples on your own first and then compare with a computer or others and their comments.

As this is a work in progress, items are going to change and move around. Currently, this site is also being used an assignment for my English W315 Writing for the web course. Some of the posts on here will not directly relate to chess, but once the requirements for the classroom assignments are completed, they will be removed to allow for a better focus on chess.

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