Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My 3 favorite blogs

For you chess players looking in for game material, this post isn't for you.

1. http://blog.funimation.com/

This the only blog that I have actually followed outside of school. I am an avid manga reader and anime watcher, so this site is important to me to keep up on the latest from Funimation. Usually, I checking for new acquisitions by Funimation for new anime. This leads me to check into the mangas that these anime come from.

2. http://icanhascheezburger.com/

Whenever I need a good laugh, I stop by this site. The pictures are entertaining and the captions are funny. I like to read the discussions and optional captions that take place with most of the pictures. Also, the site is generally free from rants about personal issues, unless your a cat being captioned.

3. http://whitesell-w315.blogspot.com/

This blog is a creation of a classmate in my W315. I will be participating in the Disney College Program January 12 through May 13 and I've been looking for more information about the program. The chance to pick others mind about what to expect is a great opportunity. While the creator wasn't in merchandising like I will be, I can at least get general feedback and insight about the program.

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